ICI settings
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OCI settings
Customize colorscale limits:
API settings
Customize colorscale limits:
MPA settings
Customize colorscale limits:
CN settings
Customize colorscale limits:
Digital Reef Adaptive Potential Evaluator
Customize colorscale limits:
Customize colorscale limits:
Customize colorscale limits:
Customize colorscale limits:
Customize colorscale limits:
This panel allows you to choose on which region to work on. For the moment, only the reefs of New Caledonia are available.
The panel also allows to choose the background map type.
The digital reef represents a group of corals of different type ("coral models")
for which the connectivity and adaptive potential indices are computed.
This panel resumes the coral models added to the digital reef.
If you want to add a new coral model, click on the button.
For every coral model, the table shows:
A coral model represents a particular type of coral species or population. It is
described by two parameters: the connectivity model and the adaptive model.
In this panel you can choose which index to compute. Five different options are available:
The Inbound Connectivity Index (ICI) describes the estimated
dispersal towards each reef of the study area. This index is based on the connectivity models
of coral models in the digital reef.
For a specific reef, the ICI represents the total area of the
surrounding reefs that can disperse towards the specific reef. The maximal distance of
"surrounding reefs" depends on the Fst threshold (Fst-I) specified before computation.
A low Fst threshold will account for the reefs closely surrounding a focal reef, while
a higher value will include further reefs in the calculation.
The Fst threshold should not exceed the recommended value, in order to avoid bias due
to border effects.
A high ICI indicates a reef receiving dispersal from a large reef
surface, while a low ICI a reef receiving limited dispersal (i.e. potentially isolated reef).
If you want to compare ICI for different coral models, or different digital reefs, make sure
to use a common Fst threshold (not exceeding the recommended values) and to set
fixed limits in the color scale by clicking on the corresponding checkbox ().
The Outbound Connectivity Index (OCI) describes the estimated
dispersal from each reef of the study area. This index is based on the connectivity models
of coral models in the digital reef.
For a specific reef, the OCI represents the total area of the
surrounding reefs that can disperse to from the specific reef. The maximal distance of
"surrounding reefs" depends on the Fst threshold specified (Fst-O) before computation.
A low Fst threshold will account for the reefs closely surrounding a focal reef, while
a higher value will include further reefs in the calculation.
The Fst threshold should not exceed the recommended value, in order to avoid bias due
to border effects.
A high OCI indicates a reef dispersing to a large reef
surface (i.e. potential source for the reef system), while a low OCI a reef with limited dispersal potential.
If you want to compare OCI for different coral models, or different digital reefs, make sure
to use a common Fst threshold (not exceeding the recommended values) and to set
fixed limits in the color scale by clicking on the corresponding checkbox ().
The Adaptive Potential Index (API) describes the estimated
adaptive potential for every reef of the study area. This index is based on the adaptive model
of corals in the digital reef.
For a specific reef, the API represents the probability of adaptation to a specific climatic constraint.
If more than one coral is present in the digital reef panel, the API represents the average probability between all the corals in the digital reef.
In this case, be aware that the adaptive models describing the digital reef should be based on the same environmental variables.
If you want to compare API for different coral models, or different digital reefs, make sure
to leave fixed limits in the color scale.
The MPA-ICI allows to estimate the potential dispersal from marine protected areas (MPAs) set-ups
defined by the user.
By clicking on the button, the user can draw one or polygon
representing MPAs. The algorithm then computes Inbound Connectivity Index (ICI) from these areas.
The button allows to remove MPAs previously drawn.
The ICI describes the estimated
dispersal towards each reef of the study area. This index is based on the connectivity models
of coral models in the digital reef.
For a specific reef, the MPA-ICI represents the total area of the
surrounding reefs inside the MPAs that can disperse towards the specific reef. The maximal distance of
"surrounding reefs" depends on the Fst threshold (Fst-I) specified before computation.
A low Fst threshold will account for the reefs closely surrounding a focal reef, while
a higher value will include further reefs in the calculation.
The Fst threshold should not exceed the recommended value, in order to avoid bias due
to border effects.
A high MPA-ICI indicates a reef receiving dispersal from a large reef
surface of the MPAs, while a low MPA-ICI a reef receiving limited dispersal from the MPAs.
If you want to compare MPA-ICI for different coral models, different digital reefs or different MPA set-ups, make sure
to use a common Fst threshold (not exceeding the recommended values) and to set
fixed limits in the color scale by clicking on the corresponding checkbox ().
The CN-ICI allows to estimate the potential dispersal from coral nurseries (CNs) emplacements
defined by the user.
By clicking on the button, the user can select on which reef(s)
to establish a CN. The algorithm then computes Inbound Connectivity Index (ICI) from this reef(s).
The button allows to remove CNs previously added.
The ICI describes the estimated
dispersal towards each reef of the study area. This index is based on the connectivity models
of coral models in the digital reef.
For a specific reef, the CN-ICI represents the total area of the
surrounding reefs set as CNs that can disperse towards the specific reef. The maximal distance of
"surrounding reefs" depends on the Fst threshold (Fst-I) specified before computation.
A low Fst threshold will account for the reefs closely surrounding a focal reef, while
a higher value will include further reefs in the calculation.
The Fst threshold should not exceed the recommended value, in order to avoid bias due
to border effects.
A high CN-ICI indicates a reef receiving dispersal from a large reef
surface of reefs set as CN, while a low CN-ICI a reef receiving limited dispersal from the CNs.
If you want to compare CN-ICI for different coral models, different digital reefs or different CNs emplacements, make sure
to use a common Fst threshold (not exceeding the recommended values) and to set
fixed limits in the color scale by clicking on the corresponding checkbox ().